In working for The American Law Institute (ALI) I was able to produce and edit a wide range of videos. These videos covered everything from celebrating an anniversary, to giving an educational overview of topics covered in projects by The ALI. For most videos we were able to do all production in house. All camera and lighting setup and recording was done by me or with assistance from other members of the ALI communications team. From there i was in charge of editing and creating custom motion graphics, such as title animations, lower thirds and backgrounds for each video. More videos can be found on the ALI media archive.


Every year we create a unique branding for the Annual Meeting that takes place in May. These are examples from 2024 and 2022 respectively. Not only is the branding different but our ability to film in person was much more restricted in 2022, thanks to COVID, which really got me to become more creative and flexible about filming.

Making a straight forward informational video is not always the most hair-raising project but I frankly enjoy finding ways to get important or complex ideas across in a way that is clear and concise.

Reasonably Speaking is the ALI podcast, but we also create a video version to upload on the ALI media archive.